Saturday, October 17, 2009

Experience Builder - Train Yard

Our second class meeting was held at a local train repair yard with our focus being on photographing the details...not necessarily what has the best colors, but more about shooting textures, shadows, and composition. To make something simple look complex and intricate! We were encouraged to convert to black and white photos to really emphasize the objects. It was a really fun assignment and kinda creepy to be in a train yard at night! Here are some of my faves from the evening...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Experience Builder - Architecture Focus...

I'm taking another class with Indy Photo Coach this month...the Experience Builder course. In this class, we have a different focus each week. This week the focus was architecture, so we met downtown at the courthouse to shoot it's beautiful shape and detail! We also got to go across the street to a parking garage and shoot the courthouse from the 4th floor (directly across) and from the 10th floor (from above) as dusk/night settled in. Such an awesome experience!

The courthouse is all lit up at night...gorgeous!

Right down the street...Monument Circle.

Parking construction

Dark out now...street view. We were really high up!

Texture of the stone bannister leading up to the courthouse entry.

A cool alley across the street!


Such a majestic building!